The Living Lab
More than 1.7 million people in Croatia live in rural areas, representing 42.5% of Croatia’s population. 37.6% of the population live in intermediate regions and 19.9% live in urban regions. Rural areas have high unemployment rates, a lower percentage of highly educated population and a large share of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in rural areas. Most rural areas in Croatia are exposed to continuous depopulation and economic recession with a high risk-of-poverty rate.
The role of women in rural areas is not sufficiently recognized. Statistical invisibility and economic lack of recognition are some of the basic disadvantages. In the Croatian rural policy strategic documents, gender equality and women are mentioned, however, there is no mention of gender inequalities or measurable goals that would reduce these inequalities. The strategic plan does not recognize the specificities of women in rural areas, on the labour market, nor specifically in agriculture, because it does not provide specific goals or measures in this regard. Changes in development policies aimed at women in rural areas are necessary if rural areas are to be economically and socially vital.
Networking, visibility, and collaboration: key challenges for participants in GRASS
As the new year begins, the Living Labs within our project are reactivating after the Christmas break. The Croatian team was…
Ključni izazovi za sudionice hrvatskog Living Laba GRASS CEILING: umrežavanje,
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The GRASS CEILING Croatian Living Lab kicks off 2025 with
As the new year begins, the Living Labs within our project are reactivating after the Christmas break. The Croatian team…
Rural women take center stage at GRASS CEILING showcase in
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From Law to olive groves: Birgit Boljun’s journey of tradition,
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Marijana Svetić: The heartbeat of rural entrepreneurship in Lika (Croatia)
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Meet our women innovators