European Policy Forum
The European Policy Forum (EPF) is part of Task 6.4 within Work Package 6 of the project. This task involves establishing and coordinating the EPF to analyse and discuss women-led innovation in agriculture and rural areas, focusing on social learning and showcasing this innovation within these sectors.
The online European Policy Forum for women-led innovation in agriculture and rural areas aims to bring a pan-European perspective; facilitate a space for knowledge exchange; discuss and validate project results as well as co-design recommendations and tools. It hosts discussions to co-design recommendations and tools via online workshops, experts’ consultations, joint actions, etc.
To contribute to the achievement of the GRASS CEILING and Forum objectives, a stakeholder mapping exercise has been carried out on an ongoing basis and has involved:
- creating a common database to compile the main information of the stakeholders (Excel format).
- identifying actors based on the internal Forum’s workplan.
- analysing the links between stakeholders and Forum’s objectives.
This section aims to provide information about the Forum and also to act as a repository of information about past and future activities. We include presentations, links to recordings and other resources on Forum activities. We also consider it useful to include political news as well as contact information for the coordinators.