
The Grass Ceiling consortium brings together a diverse group of organisations, including academic institutions, rural development organisations, cooperatives, and agricultural producer groups. All share a common goal: to promote gender equality and sustainability. The consortium’s multidisciplinary approach fosters collaborative decision-making and innovative solutions. By working together, we aim to inspire, empower, and create new opportunities for rural women. We are committed to breaking down barriers and promoting women’s participation in rural development.

South East Technological University (SETU) – CoordinatorIreland
Wageningen University (WU)Netherlands
European Environmental Bureau (EEB)Belgium
Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP)Belgium
European Association for Innovation in local development (AEIDL)Belgium
CIHEAM ZaragozaSpain
CIHEAM BariItaly
Pisa University (UNIPI)Italy
Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (LCSS)Lithuania
Institute for Rural and Regional Research (RURALIS)Norway
Valladolid University (UVA)Spain
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversite (SLU)Sweden
European Farmers & European Agri-Cooperatives (COPACOGECA)Belgium
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España (CCAE)Spain
Croatian Chamber of Agriculture (HPK)Croatia
Zagreb University (UNIZG FAZ)Croatia
Oi! Trøndersk Mat og Drykke (Oi!)Norway
AgriFood Lithuania DIH (AFL)Lithuania
Kilpatrick Innovation Ltd. (KI)Ireland
Zuid-Hollandse Land- en Tuinbouw Bond (ZLTO)Netherlands
Lega Regionale delle Cooperative e Mutue di Puglia (LEGACOOP)Italy
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (UNEW)United Kingdom
The Scottish Crofting Federation (SCF)United Kingdom
Macra na FeirmeIreland

Academic centers
