
Living Lab

I Norge er interessen for å bli entreprenører eller innovatører omtrent lik blant kvinner og menn, men bare 30 prosent av de som blir innovatører er kvinner, og kvinneandelen reduseres videre jevnt i retning mot «varig virksomhet som går bra og er i vekst».

Kvinner har spilt ledende roller innen lokal matinnovasjon i Norge og Trøndelag-regionen, ved å selge landbruksvarer og innovative produkter på små utsalgssteder som bondemarkeder. Med endrede forsyningskjeder som krever at større produsenter leverer til supermarkeder, ser det ut til at kvinners rolle i regionen har blitt mindre fremtredende. Denne laben ser på innovasjonsrelaterte behov hos kvinner på landsbygda, for å styrke deres rolle innen lokalmatinnovasjon, da dette er et innovasjonsfelt som har vist seg å være av stor interesse for kvinner i rurale områder.

Den norske living laben er basert på de ulike erfaringene og den opparbeidede kunnskapen blant aktive kvinnelige innovatører i ulike aldre, roller og faser av virksomheten, og vil styrke innovasjonsprosesser for kvinner innen lokal matinnovasjon og mer generelt ved å adressere og utvikle tiltak for å overvinne ulike utfordringer og barrierer som identifiseres av Living Lab-medlemmene selv. I tillegg vil interessenter som støtter bærekraftig kvinneledet innovasjon i distriktene være involvert i Living Lab-prosessene.

Living Lab Co-leads


Meet our women innovators

Kari Øye

Marine Health Products Business Owner

Kari Øye
Marine Health Products Business Owner

Kari is the general manager of Havfruene (‘The Mermaids’). Havfruene produces high-quality health products from fresh, Norwegian and marine ingredients. The mermaids’ all-Norwegian cod liver oil is pure, completely fresh and does not taste like fish. It stands out from others due to the quality of the raw material.

Marthe Kilen

Pastry Chef

Marthe Kilen
Pastry Chef

Fru Nelik offers handmade goodies (confectionery, caramels, meringue, chocolate and cakes) made by Marthe Kilen from Fosen. Marthe has a professional certificate as a chef and a journeyman’s certificate as a pastry chef. She started on her own in 2013 and opened the doors for the first time in January 2014 at the local town hall, where her treats and cakes are produced. She has learned from the best hotels in Trondheim, and since 2020, she has been a performer on the Norwegian National Baker and Pastry Team. 

Turid Mjønesaune

Sheep Farmer

Turid Mjønesaune
Sheep Farmer

Åstfjordlam can be found in Snillfjord at the Mjønesaune farm. Here, Turid runs a farm with white späelsau and “gammelnorsk sheep”, perhaps better known as wild sheep. The sheep thrive at Mjønesaune – which gives great sheepskins and good meat. The supply of lamb meat is seasonal.

Anita Galåen

Farm CEO

Anita Galåen
Farm CEO

Anita is the CEO of Galåvolden Gård. The farm is the leading supplier of fresh farm eggs in the region, and they produce a variety of egg and milk-based products from the farm: cheese, ice cream, cakes, mayonnaise, meringue, and fresh batter for waffles and pancakes.

Liv Aas Bogen

Craft Brewery Manager

Liv Aas Bogen
Craft Brewery Manager

Liv is the general manager of Hogna Brygg. They brew beer with brewing equipment using sustainable solutions, often using malts from Trøndelag. Liv is a beer sommelier and also a registered public accountant. She keeps in touch with customers and suppliers, manages the accounts, discusses recipes and plans the production. She sometimes participates in the production too.

Sissel Langørgen

Dairy Farmer

Sissel Langørgen
Dairy Farmer

Sissel runs the Høstadsand Gård farm, which since 2013 has been certified as a Green Care Farm. They provide pasteurised milk and yoghurt made on the farm. The products may be purchased from their farm shop, where they also sell eggs, honey and potatoes in season. In collaboration with the municipality, Høstadsand provides a learning space for junior secondary students from various schools in Trondheim.

Torunn Bjerkem

Cultural Farm Manager

Torunn Hernes Bjerkem
Cultural Farm Manager

Bjerkem Farm is an organic farm growing ancient heirloom grains, making healthy food, healthy soils, healthy plants, and healthy environments. The grains are sold to Gullimunn, a local flour mill company that Torunn Hernes Bjerkem was part of founding. At Bjerkem Farm they have a fine dining restaurant called Experience@Bjerkem, serving 7 or 16 courses to visitors and groups. They also have the Bunadburet gallery, showcasing and producing traditional Norwegian folk costumes from the region. They have some limited accommodation and are currently planning to expand this part of the business. Torunn and her husband love to create cultural experiences such as concerts, festivals and storytelling events at the farm and out in the community. Every year in December they organise a Christmas family theatre performance in the Old Barn.

Jenny Domås

Cultural Farm Manager

Jenny Domås
Cultural Farm Manager

Jørem ved Namsen provides salmon fishing and nature experiences.
At the farm they grow organic ancient heirloom grains and run a small craft brewery and bakery. In the bakery they use flour from their own grain. Jenny also previously created and ran the related business Jenny på Jørem.