Il settimo Living Lab di Grass Ceiling: dal sogno nel cassetto alla realtà di un progetto
Si è svolto qualche giorno fa a Ruvo di Puglia (BA) il settimo Living Lab del progetto triennale Grass Ceiling, finanziato dal programma europeo Horizon Europe e dedicato all’innovazione femminile in contesti di lavoro rurale. Il progetto, ormai al suo…
The seventh Italian Living Lab of Grass Ceiling: dreams becoming beautiful realities
The seventh Living Lab of the three-year Grass Ceiling project, funded by the European Horizon Europe program and dedicated to women’s innovation in their business rural settings, took place a few days ago in Ruvo di Puglia (BA), Italy. The…
Networking, visibility, and collaboration: key challenges for participants in GRASS CEILING Croatian Living Lab
As the new year begins, the Living Labs within our project are reactivating after the Christmas break. The Croatian team was the first to do so, seizing this initial meeting of the year to maintain direct contact with local stakeholders….
Ključni izazovi za sudionice hrvatskog Living Laba GRASS CEILING: umrežavanje, vidljivost i suradnja
S početkom nove godine Živi laboratoriji (Living lab) u okviru našeg projekta ponovno se aktiviraju nakon božićnih praznika. Hrvatski tim bio je prvi koji je to učinio, iskoristivši ovaj prvi ovogodišnji sastanak za održavanje izravnog kontakta s lokalnim dionicima. Dnevni…
The GRASS CEILING Croatian Living Lab kicks off 2025 with its seventh gathering of innovative women and local stakeholders.
As the new year begins, the Living Labs within our project are reactivating after the Christmas break. The Croatian team was the first to do so, seizing this initial meeting of the year to maintain direct contact with local stakeholders….
Ina Grecka (GRASS CEILING participant): Empowering through education and innovation on a Lithuanian farm
Ina Grecka, originally from Vilnius, founded “Yellow Boots,” a family farm just 15 minutes from Lithuania’s capital. Despite its proximity to the bustling city, the farm offers a retreat into nature, where Ina and her family grow various products, including…
Empowering women in rural areas: a key to rural development
GRASS CEILING partner Blanca Casares, Policy Expert at AEIDL (European Association for Innovation in Local Development), was interviewed by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) for a series of videos on women in politics, together with Ellen Nauta Van-Moorsel,…
Eglė Valuckaitė-Stašauskienė: “Networks like GRASS CEILING are vital for women facing these challenges.”
Eglė Valuckaitė-Stašauskienė lives in a small village in the Kedainiai district of Lithuania, where she established her farm two years ago. She cultivates vegetables free from agrochemicals and processes them into jams, sauces, spices, and other healthy foods on her…
Lithuanian study reveals “GRASS CEILING” for women in agriculture: Societal norms, family burdens, and bureaucracy hold back innovation
Why do women often remain on the “margins” of innovation? The Lithuanian research team of the Grass Ceiling project—T. Baležentis, V. Dabkienė, I. Šikšnelytė-Butkienė, D. Štreimikienė, and V. Šapolaitė—explores this question in their article From glass to grass ceiling: addressing…