GRASS CEILING Irish Living Lab participant centre stage at the Just Transition Platform Conference in Brussels

Aileen Barron, Managing Director of Green Acre Marketing and a participant in GRASS CEILING’s Irish Living Labs, was part of a female entrepreneurship panel at the Just Transition Platform conference, co-hosted by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and the Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER), which took place in Brussels in October.

At the event, Aileen discussed the challenges and opportunities for women innovators, specifically in the Irish context. She also spoke about her participation in the GRASS CEILING’s Irish Living Labs which take place primarily in the GrowthHub at South East Technological University Waterford campus.

The session, moderated by Catherine Wendt, Head of Unit for Smart and Sustainable Growth, DG REGIO, European Commission, focused on exploring issues and supports for women innovators when establishing and scaling up their businesses.

Aileen started Green Acre Marketing, a full service marketing and public relations enterprise focused on the agribusiness sector, in 2013. She currently leads a team of seven and works with a portfolio of clients that includes national and international brands.

Aileen Barron at the Just Transition Platform Conference – Photo: T. Monasse / Babylonia – Creative Affairs Bureau
Aileen Barron, Green Acre Marketing