GRASS CEILING project hosts European Policy Forum for women-led innovation in agriculture and rural areas

The European Policy Forum for women-led innovation, part of the GRASS CEILING project kicks off on 7th October 2024.

This is a virtual event that requires prior registration through this link before 1st October. The event is organised by Copa-Cogeca and AEIDL (European Association for Innovation in Local Development) in collaboration with CIHEAM Zaragoza. The event aims to enhance exchange, learning, and interaction with key stakeholders in policy strategies for gender equality.

During the session, the project’s objectives and insights and the methodological basis for developing recommendations and policy instruments will be presented by Sally Shortall, the project coordinator; Blanca Casares and Serafin Pazos-Vidal from AEIDL; and Branwen Miles from Copa-Cogeca.

The event will feature interventions from Elena Schubert, representing the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI), who will speak on “Gender Equality in the Common Agricultural Policy”; Maria Nikolopoulou, from the European Economic and Social Committee, who will discuss “Gender-sensitive investment as a way to improve gender equality in the European Union”; and Marta Dell’Aquila, Irina Kustova, and Christian Dietz from the Centre for European Policy Studies, who will address “The gender dimension in sustainable development, innovation, and the green transition.”

The programme will be completed with a presentation by Blanca Casares, SerafĂ­n Pazos-Vidal, and Sally Shortall on the “Development of policy recommendations and tools within the GRASS CEILING project” and participatory workshops on “Gender Equality and Diversity” in which all attendees will participate and discuss their ideas for integrating gender mainstreaming into relevant policies.

To participate in this event, prior registration is required before October 1st through the project’s website, using this link.

The detailed programme for this event can be found here.

For further information about this event, please contact Blanca Casares or Branwen Miles